Exclusive: The Courtship’s Nicole Rémy On Looking For Love…Through Regency Era

Now moving from its Sunday slot on NBC to Wednesdays on USA Network is the reality dating series The Courtship. Episodes will air after new episodes of Temptation Island.

Leading lady Nicole Remy, a modern girl tired of modern dating, is transported back to Regency-era England in the hope of finding love. In a grand 19th century castle set among the rolling hills of the English countryside, a group of 16 eligible suitors must battle to win her heart. Writer and broadcaster Rick Edwards hosts and guides them on their journey, complete with surprise guests along the way.

From carriage rides and masquerade balls, to archery, fencing and handwritten letters, Nicole and her pursuers swap modern-day sensibilities for grand-courting gestures of the past. Leaving the modern world behind presents its fair share of challenges for Nicole’s hopeful admirers, and the pressure builds when they discover that they must also get the seal of approval from her trusted Court: her father, Claude; her mother, Claire; her sister, Danie; and best friend, Tessa. As Nicole’s advisors, the Court chooses dates for her and helps uncover which suitors deserve to win her heart. As each attempts to out-romance the other, suitors find themselves at a weekly farewell ball where Nicole reveals whether their journey in romance continues or their carriage awaits to return them to the modern world. As the competition heats up and chivalry and courtship are put to the test, Nicole and her suitors discover if this sweeping adventure in romance leads them to true love.

Having graduated from USC in 2018 with a degree in GeoDesign and then working as a software engineer and product manager on the founding team of a tech startup, Remy also worked at one point as a cheerleader with the Seahawk Dancers at the Seattle Seahawks games. Now, she’s venturing off to another country in her quest for the ultimate love and going about it in the most unconventional way.

BlackFilmandTV.com’s Wilson Morales caught up with Remy as she about making the trek to England with her parents in tow and why she chose to route to look for love.

How did this all come about for you?

Nicole Remy: This opportunity fell into my lap as a lot of things happened lately. I think life for me has been unpredictable in a great way. This opportunity came to me last year. The idea of dating and the idea of doing it back in regency time, I'm thinking, "Oh, my gosh, I got to ride carriages and horses," but most importantly, I got to find somebody that I can be with forever. That to me is everything. So I thought I absolutely have to do this. 

When you say that this fell into your lap, were you chosen to be the lead?

Nicole Remy: There's a process and everything, but the opportunity was presented to me. And then I was chosen for the lead. And then, very quickly after I got on a plane and heading out to being ready for this ride.

Were you mentally prepared for everything you're going into, not only yourself, but those around you like your family members?

Nicole Remy:  I don't know if there's any guidebook to how to date in regency time, but you're a 21st century girl. What was so great was having my family there. They were the ones that really kept me grounded. They reminded me of who I am. In a world where I was wearing things I typically wouldn't wear and I was with people I typically wouldn't be with in a foreign country, they reminded me of me what's important. So having my family, there was absolutely everything.

What has been your dating experience to the point where we're here now? What has not worked?

Nicole Remy: So for me, what hasn't worked has been online dating. It's tough right now. You go on these dating apps? There's so many of them out there. You're superficially swiping, like, yes or no. I'm like, "When am I going to find my guy? When is it not going to be in this scenario that feels so superficial, right?" And I'm like, "All right." The other thing too, is that we're in a world where everyone's wearing masks. We’re dating but there's a pandemic going on. So it's just tougher to meet people right now. And so for me, it was so important to be able to meet people in person, make lots of connections, and I felt like doing it in regency time, where like, the biggest values were chivalry, courtesy, and romanticism, that's such a pure, raw, simple way to meet somebody and really make a deep connection. And that, for me, was everything. This is how I'm going to find my true love. I'm not going to find it swiping left and right. Okay, I'm going to find it on a carriage in a beautiful castle in this beautiful place wearing these amazing costumes.

Is there a timeframe to finding true love now?

Nicole Remy: I don't think there's the timeframe. I've fallen in love once before the show. That happened literally day one. It was love at first sight clearly. I know that that sounds crazy. And you're probably thinking, "Okay, this girl is still in her fantasy world from the show." No, I'm serious. I did fall in love in one day. And that feeling is so magical. It just sparkles from your toes to your head. It just feels amazing. Nobody has a specific timeline. If you find love, you find it. Meeting people on the show, getting to date them on the show. And then potentially walking away with a husband, that's a formula for success.

What are some of the things that we're going to see that obviously people are going to get a kick watching?

Nicole Remy: Well, because it's regency, we had to learn how to do quite a few regency style things, including horseback riding. You'll see me ride side saddle, which I've never done before and in a long dress; and on a date with a gentleman. Neither of us know what we're doing. So that's pretty funny to watch. You'll also see us on horse drawn carriages. You'll see us in boats, rowing to and from the lake. You'll see us playing or doing archery. There are quite a few activities. The most fun part about all of it was that although none of us were necessarily experts at archery or whatever, all those guys there and myself and my family were all so down to at least try, which I thought was fun. And honestly, for me, it was like if these guys are willing to wear these outfits, be out of their comfort zone and do this, that's my guy. I want somebody that's just down. I want someone that's willing to be vulnerable and have some fun.

Were your parents prepared for what’s to come when they signed to travel with you?

Nicole Remy: My family wins Family of the Year Award. They are the true MVP because they dropped everything and they came to be up with me. They didn't have to, but they found that I was really passionate about this. I want to find love. And so they wanted to support me. I'm the youngest of three. I know they're thinking like, "Oh, our youngest baby girl will be the last one to get married at some point. Like, let's support her and make this happen. Like she's not gonna be young for long, right?" I'm just really grateful that they took the time to come and help me find love because like I said, they know me better than anyone.

You mentioned the horseback riding. How new was all this to you? And how much have you learned throughout this whole process?

Nicole Remy: Yes, a lot of it was new. I've first horse ridden before but definitely not sidesaddle. I've only seen that in the Princess Diaries. Let's see here. I had never done archery before. And you'll have to see because I actually do very well archery. I think the other suitors better watch out.

How do you feel being the lead of the show, but a Black female lead?

Nicole Remy: This has been a really important role to me. I know the weight of being a Black lead, especially for a show that's coming out for the first time. And for show that's finding love. Typically, Black love stories aren't shown and they're not popular. I feel like because it's in such an incredible production, and there's so much to love about the show, I hope that all people enjoy the show. I really do. I have conversations with the guys that are a little bit uncomfortable for some of them about race about. How does it feel to be a part of my family? We’re Black. Have you dated Black women before? So I really do stay true to myself. I know I'm not going to make everybody happy. But I stay true to myself, make them feel it's most important, but I think I represented the Black community well. I do.


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